Safe drinking water will be the focus of the 16th Annual Great Lakes Water Conference on Friday, November 4, 2016 at the University of Toledo College of Law. Todd Flood, Special Counsel for the Michigan Attorney General Flint water crisis investigation (and a Toledo Law alum) will open the conference with a keynote speech, followed by a panel I’m moderating that will explore the situation and legal developments in Flint in more detail (with NRDC attorney Sarah Tallma and author Anna Clark). Afternoon sessions will cover Toledo’s microcystin contamination that led to a “do not drink” advisory in August 2014 and the approval earlier this year of Waukesha’s controversial request to divert Lake Michigan water out of the Great Lakes basin (Waukesha’s mayor is one of the panelists). The conference is free to the public and no registration is required (except for attorneys seeking CLE credits). For more details, see the conference brochure.